
This blog is a record of all the walks we are undertaking with Sharon & Bill, commencing March 2011. Instead of trying to remember where, when we did a walk it will be nice to have somewhere we can all access, view and pass on information to others when necessary. Linz has now decided it is a good place to store her walks so the page is now multi country with walks in the UK & Switzerland

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Meanwhile in der Schweiz

I (linzie) did my first wanderweg unteraegari to Baar.  16 km go me!!! Here are some pics:

The river - it was pretty

Praying for good weather - it did not work
The forest - skinny jeans not a good idea

It wouldn't be Switzerland without a wooden bridge

It was a lovely day shame about the weather :(

Loch Muick

Saturday 14th March 2011 - Loch Muick Circular (8 miles - 3 hours)

A return for all of us to a route we previously did around 10 years ago. The weather was changeable all day. one minute warm in the sun and a few moments later heavy showers. One particular shower caught us with no shelter at the head of the loch. We had a memorable moment just as we started walking when a herd of deer crossed the path directly in front of us
(Unfortunately the camera was in my sac at the time so no photos).

Finished off the day playing darts & pool in Ballatar before having supper at the Boat Inn, Aboyne