
This blog is a record of all the walks we are undertaking with Sharon & Bill, commencing March 2011. Instead of trying to remember where, when we did a walk it will be nice to have somewhere we can all access, view and pass on information to others when necessary. Linz has now decided it is a good place to store her walks so the page is now multi country with walks in the UK & Switzerland

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Arbroath and Seaton Cliffs - 19th March 2011

This is a 7.1/4 mile walk along the cliffs north of Arbroath to the village of Auchmithie, a shorther return route via farm tracks. The guide book and the map mentions a pub in Auchmithie, however this is no longer the case. However this did not detract from the quality of the walk which had some good cliff views on the outward leg. We also spotted some dolphins out at sea and there were an abundance of sea birds nesting on the cliffs. We were not sure of the actual distance as Bills pedometer showed 8 miles on completion.
An excellent first walk for 2011.

Weather - Warm, sunny with little wind
Notes - The return leg accross the fields could be muddy in wet weather. One section is basically a grass strip between 2 ploughed fields